Faculty Position: Muslims in America

College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Religious Studies Program

The College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and the Religious Studies Program invite applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level in the study of Muslims/Islam in America to begin fall semester 2017 (08/28/2017). We seek intellectually ambitious candidates with interdisciplinary aptitude, poised to become leaders in the field. 

A Ph.D. in Religious Studies or other related field is required by the start date, August 28, 2017.  Possible areas of specialization include, but are not limited to:

*    History of Muslims/Islam in North America

*    Religious experience or expression of Muslims in North America

*    Social/political experience of the Muslim diaspora in North America

*  Gender, race, class, identity issues related to Muslim experience in North America

For more information on candidate qualifications and the application process, please click here.

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