Zaydis in a Post-Zaydi Yemen: Contemporary 'Ulama Reactions to Zaydism's Marginalization in the Republic of Yemen UnlistedGuest UserMay 21, 20092009
Hadith and Maqama: A Reflection of the Role of the Isnad in Arabic Literature UnlistedGuest UserMay 21, 20082008
All Jihads Are Not Created Equal: What al-Qaeda and the Sadrist Movements Teach Us About Radical Islamist Threats Against the United States UnlistedGuest UserMay 21, 20082008
Virtual Terror: From Training Camps to Virtual Sanctuary: The Impact of Islamic Jihad in the Virtual World UnlistedGuest UserJanuary 21, 20082008
Painting Over Palestine: American Journalism Nourishing Zionism Portrayals of the Palestinian Arab Riots of 1929 UnlistedGuest UserMay 21, 20072007
Religion and Politics in Islamist Discourse: The Role, Meaning and Purpose of Spiritual References in the Political Thought of Ruhollah Khomeini and Sayyid Qutb UnlistedGuest UserDecember 11, 20062006
History Through the Eyes of Al-Qaeda's Ideologue: An Analysis of Ayman Al-Zawahiri's Knights Under the Prophet's Banner UnlistedCPSMay 24, 20042004