The Time-Travel Archive: A Case for Post-Apocalyptic Technologies in Archival Re/Imagination Julia BenderJune 4, 20242023
The State's Negative Imprint: Unpublished Fatimid Petitions from the Cairo Geniza and the Administration of Justice in Fatimid Egypt Julia BenderJune 4, 20242023
Shame(d) in the Eye of Modernity: The Freudian and Ghazalian Subjects in the Space of Islamically Integrated Psychotherapy Julia BenderJune 4, 20242023
Aesthetic Transformations of Qawwali: A Case Study on Coke Studio Pakistan Julia BenderJune 4, 20242023
Preserving Sijilmassa: a study of historic site maintenance and excavation in contemporary Morocco Julia BenderJune 4, 20242023
“The Sum of its Parts” Understanding the Structure of Steppe-Influenced Polities as a Web of Relations Between Self-Constituting Entities: The Example of the Early Safavids Julia BenderJune 4, 20242023
Narrating Pakistan and Islam: The Case of History and Pakistan Studies Textbooks in Punjab Julia BenderJune 4, 20242023