Language Reform in Uzbekistan and Severance From the Ummah: The Ethics of Arabic and the Secularity of Reform Kathryn SpellmanAstrid BenedekOctober 20, 20222022
Martyrs and Maraja’: Transnational Ideological Competition in post-Ba’athist Shi’a Iraq Kathryn SpellmanAstrid BenedekOctober 20, 20222022
Miraculously, Good Coffee: Majdhubin and intoxication in early modern Syrian cityscapes Kathryn SpellmanAstrid BenedekOctober 20, 20222022
Qadi Records from Barawe, Shards of History on the Horn of Africa Kathryn SpellmanAstrid BenedekMay 21, 20212021
Rethinking Islamic Studies Muhammad Iqbal’s Philosophy as Decolonial Critique Hamid Dabashi, Kathryn SpellmanGuest UserFebruary 13, 20212021
Women, Ethics, and Ḥayāt Ṭayyiba: A Reading of the Adab of Syedna Taher Saifuddin Kathryn SpellmanGuest UserFebruary 13, 20212021
Interpreting the Water Architecture of the Fatimid Era: Philosophy, Meaning and Tradition Kathryn Spellman, CohenGuest UserOctober 16, 20202020
The Evolution Of ‘Permitted Music’ In Iran and Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of Iran 1979-2019; Afghanistan under the Taliban 1996-2001) Kathryn SpellmanAstrid BenedekMay 21, 20192019