Announcement | Bulliet Assistant Professor of Islamic History
We are delighted to announce that Ali Karjoo-Ravary will join the
Department of History as the Bulliet Assistant Professor of Islamic History.
Congratulations Professor Karjoo-Ravary, and welcome to Columbia University!
Dr. Karjoo-Ravary is a historian of medieval Islam focusing broadly on the intersection of intellectual, social, and visual histories of premodern Islam, with a special attention to historiography, Sufism, and poetry in Arabic, Persian, and Turkic languages. His current book project, tentatively titled Muhammad’s Song: Politics, Performance, and Cosmology in the 14th Century, looks at the formation of post-Mongol Islamic monarchy through the lens of Kadi Burhaneddin, a scholar turned poet-king in the 14th century whose writings prefigure many of the hallmarks of later empires. Karjoo-Ravary’s works have been published in multiple venues, including the Journal of Sufi Studies, MAVCOR Journal, as well as popular venues such as Slate, Aljazeera English, the CBC, and the BBC. Dr. Karjoo-Ravary holds a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, and has been a fellow at the Bard Graduate Center and the Wolf Humanities Center. He joins Columbia from Bucknell University, where he was the Josephine Hildreth Detmer and Zareen Taj Mirza Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies.