Professor Muhsin Jasim Al-Musawi | Recent Engagements
About Professor Muhsin al-Musawi
Dr al-Musawi is a literary critic and a scholar of classical and modern Arabic literature and comparative cultural studies. He taught for over two decades at universities in the Arab world before moving to Columbia University. He is the author of twenty-eight books (including four novels) and over sixty scholarly articles. He has been the editor of the Journal of Arabic Literature (Brill Academic Publishers) since 2000.
INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR | Literatura árabe y universal ¿Qué es el canon literario árabe?
Listen to Professor al-Musawi's talk at the Euro-Arab Institute, Granada.
PODCAST | The Arabian Nights in Contemporary World Cultures
Listen to Professor Muhsin's most recent interview about his book The Arabian Nights in Contemporary World Cultures: Global Commodification, Translation, and the Culture Industry (Cambridge UP, 2021) with Morteza Hajizadeh a Ph.D. graduate in English from the University of Auckland in New Zealand.
About the book:
Muhsin Jasim Musawi's The Arabian Nights in Contemporary World Cultures: Global Commodification, Translation, and the Culture Industry offers a rich and wide-ranging analysis of the power of this collection of tales that penetrates so many cultures and appeals to such a variety of predilections and tastes. It also explores areas that were left untouched, like the decolonization of the Arabian Nights, and its archaeologies
Lecture | Jabra Ibrahim Jabra: The Peddler of knowledge
Professor Al-Musawi presented a lecture about the late Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, the great Palestinian writer, poet, novelist and artist who lived in Baghdad-Iraq since his immigration from Palestine in 1948.
This lecture was hosted by the Arabic Cultural Forum in the United Kingdom as part of its regular literary activities.
INTERVIEW | The Postcolonail Arabic Novel
The Ittihad Daily (Abu Dhabi) featured a comprehensive one-page interview with al-Musawi to celebrate the Arabic translation of his book, "The Postcolonial Arabic Novel."