Strengthening Refugee Access, Equity & Inclusion: A Symposium

Sponsored by Columbia Global Centers

Thursday, October 13
12:15 pm - 7:00 pm

Columbia Journalism School

Pulitzer Hall, 3rd Floor

Columbia University

This symposium, presented by Columbia Global Centers | Amman and Istanbul, explores how existing plans of aid effectiveness and development could be strengthened to improve refugee settlement outcomes in countries directly affected by the Syrian crisis. It brings together Columbia scholars from the fields of law, public health, education, public policy, and migration, with leading experts and practitioners from Turkey and the MENA region. A long-term framework for refugee inclusion that balances the concerns of the Syrian refugees and the host communities, as well as improves access to service delivery systems and development of host communities will be explored.

The symposium is organized around the following themes:

  1. The Refugee Response: Past Experiences and Current Practices

  2. Developing a New Paradigm of Refugee Inclusion in Host Countries

  3. The Role of Academic Institutions in Advancing Knowledge on this Global Humanitarian Challenge

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