Roshmia: A Film Screening
Sponsored by the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University
Thursday, November 10
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Columbia University
Davis Auditorium @CEPSR #412
530 W. 120th Street #412
New York, NY 10027
Join us for a special film screening of Roshmia followed by a discussion with the filmmaker, Salim Abu Jabal!
Introduction by Bruce Robbins
An elderly Palestinian couple in a final standoff with the Israeli authorities to maintain their lifestyle in Roshmia; the last natural valley in Haifa. Yousef and his wife Amna, who originally descents from the Gypsies of Palestine, have lived in a shack all alone in their eighties since 1956 in what seems to be a life of serenity; far away from the loudness of modern life. Life remains peaceful in Roshmia until the israeli authorities endorse a new road project and order to confiscate their land, demolish the shack and throw them out. A friend of the couple tries to secure a compensation from the municipality but the shack is Yousef's home that he insists on keeping; living in bliss and comfort as ever, however the negotiations continue and tension grows among the three. Furthermore, and besides the physical displacement and despair they are nearly facing, Yousef and Amna are about to go on separate ways.
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