Israel's New Natural Gas Discoveries: From Power Diplomacy to Gas Diplomacy
Sponsored by The Chazen Institute for Global Business at Columbia Business School
Thursday, December 1
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
Columbia Law School
Jerome Greene Hall
435 W. 116th Street
New York, NY 10027
Just 15 years ago, Israel relied on imported coal, natural gas, and oil for its energy needs. But the discovery of three new natural gas fields within its borders will transform the nation from a buyer to a seller - and make it a major player in the region's energy industry.
What you'll learn:
- The implications of this important discovery for Israel's economy
- How these new natural resources may lead to better bilateral relations with Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, the PAL Authority, and Greece
- What regulatory hurdles still need to be overcome
Ambassador Ron Prosor, former Israel Representative to the UN and currently the Abba Eban Chair of International Diplomacy at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, will return to Columbia Business School for a special talk on this timely topic.
David Schizer, Dean Emeritus and the Harvey R. Miller Professor of Law and Economics at Columbia Law School, will moderate.
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