Returning to Iqrit: Reclaiming the Right of Return
Friday, October 2
Time: 12:00pm
Location: TBA
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027
Iqrit, a small village of 450 Palestinians, is located in the Galilee in Northern Israel. In November 1948, its inhabitants were forced out by the Israeli army and the village destroyed. The people of Iqrit have not been permitted to return despite an Israeli Supreme Court of Justice ruling, governmental promises, and ministerial committee recommendations.
For the past 66 years, the Iqrit community has been united in a struggle for the right to return home and has been engaged in one of the longest and most persistent non-violent popular and legal struggles for justice the region has known.
The Iqrit Community Association leads the struggle of the people of Iqrit, strongly advocating for their right to return and rebuild their homes. Columbia SJP is happy to be hosting the Association for a talk on their strategies of struggle and stories of home.
This event is sponsored by Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine.